Speech Disorders in Huntington's Disease

Communication helps us build relationships, share information, and encourage understanding among people. Speech can change in people with the HD gene even before diagnosis. For example, speech can become unclear or slow down. Changes to speech can affect peoples’ quality of life and their ability to communicate with family and friends

How am I investigating speech disorders?

In my research, I am working on building a precise description of the changes in speech that occur early in Huntington’s disease. I am also looking at how changes in cognition (thinking and memory) and listening environment (e.g., background noises) may worsen or improve speech over the course of Huntington’s disease.

What will we learn from this research?

Our findings will provide important information regarding speech function across different stages of the disease. This will allow us to better understand communication in Huntington’s disease and to inform new speech therapy goals and targets.

Who is eligible?

  • Men and women, 18 - 80 years old.
  • People with a diagnosis of Huntington’s disease.
  • People without a diagnosis of Huntington’s disease.
  • No history of neurological injury (e.g. traumatic brain injury, stroke).

What will you need to do?

  • A 15-minute chat over the phone to make sure you are eligible to be involved in the study.
  • Take part in 1.5-hour of communication, cognitive, movement, and listening assessments using voice recording devices.
  • Extended study (if you are interested): Repeat three sets of 20-minute speech assessments.

Where will you need to go?

The entire study can be done at your home at a time that is convenient for you! We will also put you in a draw to win a $50 gift card!

Ethics Approval: Calvary Health Care Bethlehem Research Ethics and Ethics Committee (REEC)JC03392 – approval number 17122101.

About HRGV

HRGV aims to advance knowledge about the cause(s), pathogenesis, clinical and social impacts of Huntington’s disease and related disorders and to develop and implement scientific strategies promising therapeutic and psychosocial interventions.

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Participants Required

We require participants for our numerous studies. Most studies offer some form of compensation for your time. Please take some time to look at our available studies here and help us improve treatment outcomes for people with Huntington's Disease. You can also sign up for our Participant Registry and be kept up to date with research projects that are relevant to you!

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